By Robin Pedrelli

Robin Pedrelli,
co-founder and partner of VisionSpring, Inc
In most organizations, diversity and inclusion is best approached with a top-down, bottom-up strategy. While it’s imperative that D&I efforts are supported by the CEO and actively engages leaders, one cannot discount the impact of employee involvement. Engaging employees at all levels is the most effective way to reach critical mass and communicate the import of diveristy and inclusion. Often employees are eager to join in the process but lack the know-how and confidence to take action. It is important to let employees know that there are many ways to contribute and support D&I efforts and does not necessarily require expertise in the field.
This article offers some concrete tips that are designed to engage employees at all levels within the organization. Remember it is important to commit to the process, value the thoughts and ideas of everyone, and celebrate along the way.
How Employees Can Support Diversity and Inclusion
- Know the diversity goals and vision of your organization and its connection to the overall business objectives. Commit to the process by understanding how diversity impacts your role, and how your role impacts the success of the diversity initiative.
- Participate in employee engagement surveys and respond as openly and honestly as possible. Finding an internal champion with whom you can comfortably express concerns and/or elicit advice can be instrumental in supporting your efforts.
- Actively engage in the diversity effort. You can take part in or start an Employee Resource Group, or volunteer to chair or serve on committees that organize diversity-related events and activities. Consider becoming a mentor, mentee, or part of a co-mentoring relationship. These activities require a commitment of time, but represent a valuable opportunity for personal and professional development.
- Become culturally competent. Take the time to learn about different cultures, races, religions and backgrounds represented by your colleagues. Ask your coworkers to share some of the customs and practices associated with their cultures. Become familiar with diversity-related terms and, if you err, apologize and ask for help.
- Treat people in a way they wish to be treated rather than the way you wish to be treated. Common social activities and practices that are comfortable for you may not be comfortable for everyone. Do not tell offensive jokes that may alienate those who are different from you — even if they are not present at the time. Most importantly, be respectful always. Diversity exists everywhere — not just in the office. Take these diversity principles into your community and your home.
- Drive positive change in the organization. Be a spokesperson for diversity issues that are not necessarily your own. Any organization will find it difficult to ignore the powerful voice created when groups representing different diversity dimensions unite.
- Welcome ideas that are different from your own, and support fellow teammates. The creativity that comes with diversity can help you generate new ideas or improve a process already in place. It can also make work more interesting, engaging, and fun.
- Understand the diversity elements you personally bring to the organization. Diversity comes not only in the form of culture, race, and gender but also includes elements such as socio-economic background, education level, geographic location, sexual orientation, thought, and many others. Each of us brings to the table a lifetime of experiences and knowledge. Each of us is different and adds value to the organization because of these differences.
- Commit to continuous improvement. Be willing to learn, accept feedback, and listen to the concerns of those around you. Even the most enlightened individual can find opportunities for growth.
- Communicate and educate. Diversity work is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and perseverance. Be tolerant of coworkers who do not yet appreciate the value of diversity or who may not always behave respectfully. Often, negative behavior comes from ignorance rather than malice. A willingness to educate can go along way.
Robin Pedrelli is the co-founder and partner of VisionSpring, Inc. VisionSpring, Inc. is a WBENC certified, women owned and operated diversity and inclusion consulting firm offering fully integrated strategy development, workforce planning, training and continuous learning solutions to leverage diversity and inclusion to drive innovation and improved business outcomes. We provide customized strategic solutions that address the specific needs of each client and blend workforce, workplace, marketplace and community related goals.
However, several students missing admission in order to their Dream College as well as university but not buying the essential attention to write down That essay, a admission essay.
you, Ms. Robin Pedrelli, for your Guest Blog. Unfortunately it does not mention
“disability” or the “disabled” as a component of the
D&I spectrum. And, mention of disability at the web
site as accessed today (October 27, 2014) for your company VisionSpring, Inc.
was limited to its
online calendar for “FEBRUARY 2013 – CULTURAL COMPETENCE,” viz.,
Articles/White Papers on “Including People with Disabilities in D&I
Efforts,” plus Research on “Costs and Benefits of Workers with
Disabilities” and “Effective Strategies to Recruit and Retain Employees
with Disabilities.” To integrate disability, especially mental
disability, into your article, perhaps your approach #10 would be where to
start, such as with communicating with and educating those who initially are
unwilling to work with the disabled or with certain categories of the disabled,
with disability being understood, for example, in terms of U.S. statutory laws
like the ADA of 1990 and the ADAAA of 2008, plus the corresponding provisions in the CFR.
I believe this entry is outdated, the law has been dramatically changed thru time my friend.
To integrate disability, especially mental
disability, into your article, perhaps your approach #10 would be where to
start, such as with communicating with and educating those who initially are
unwilling to work with the disabled or with certain categories of the disabled,
with disability being understood, for example, in terms of U.S. statutory laws
like the ADA of 1990 and the ADAAA of 2008, plus the corresponding provisions in the CFR.
Once an organization has successfully modified their recruitment and hiring practices to reach a more diverse audience, the next step is to successfully engage and support them as employees.
Why bother with the notion of inclusiveness and I say notion because the newly appointed Judge will soon tear it down with guidance from #45. Any strides made will soon disappear.
For diversity practices to be successful, you also need to facilitate an inclusive work culture.
Does anyone there know that the root word for diversity is DIVIDE ? This is truly a divided or diverse country. We are divided by color of the skin, language, religion and culture. Diversity is not what made this country great it was Unity. Comments from a black perspective.
Unfortunately, my experience in diversity resulted in off shoring and loss of jobs locally. That was easily predicted by the employees but the management lied and many lost jobs. Diversity is only the beginning of off shoring and job losses, layoffs etc.
Diversity on unity
We are still not there yet, but more and more groups are lobbying for it
Being culturally competent is I think the most practical for me, I've been working with the most diversified work place in the country and this what works best.
Communicating with and educating those who initially are
unwilling to work with the disabled or with certain categories of the disabled,
with disability being understood, for example, in terms of U.S. statutory laws.
Treat people in a way they wish to be treated rather than the way you wish to be treated. Common social activities and practices that are comfortable for you may not be comfortable for everyone. Do not tell offensive jokes that may alienate those who are different from you — even if they are not present at the time. Most importantly, be respectful always. Diversity exists everywhere — not just in the office. Take these diversity principles into your community and your home.
Actively engage in the diversity effort. You can take part in or start an Employee Resource Group, or volunteer to chair or serve on committees that organize diversity-related events and activities. Consider becoming a mentor, mentee, or part of a co-mentoring relationship. These activities require a commitment of time, but represent a valuable opportunity for personal and professional development.
If we couldn’t measure the impact of our diversity and inclusion efforts and programs, it would be a hard sell among company executives.
One way to build awareness of diversity and foster greater inclusivity is to be aware of and acknowledge a variety of upcoming religious and cultural holidays. When closing out a team call or meeting, if the audience isn’t too large, ask how people plan to celebrate the holiday. Use your company’s intranet to help employees be aware of and keep track of multicultural religious or holiday celebrations. Be respectful of these days when scheduling meetings, and understand that employees may have different needs and require flexibility.
Diversity has always been an issue for some people especially in the workplace. It does not seem like people welcome different culture into their lives because it is different from theirs. As someone who loves to learn about new cultures and loves to indulge in new atmospheres, it is easy and exciting to meet new people who are different from myself. I think the ways you have addressed would help so much if that instance came along, however, including diversity in a business' agenda is not always the case.
Our recommendation for people who do survive the first day and then week, is to see through a whole year before making any decisions about whether to stay in the long-term. It is important to experience a full cycle of the business and its operations.
Similarly, the very early days in your own new business have many pressures, excitements and issues with which to deal. We have been there and are thriving; we can help you address the pressing problems and open closed doors.
The difference between inherent diversity and acquired diversity is something I’ve never thought of, but when you consider the differences between different generations, for example, it makes sense. Thanks for sharing this.
Know the diversity goals and vision of your organization and its connection to the overall business objectives
When closing out a team call or meeting, if the audience isn’t too large, ask how people plan to celebrate the holiday. Use your company’s intranet to help employees be aware of and keep track of multicultural religious or holiday celebrations. Be respectful of these days when scheduling meetings, and understand that employees may have different needs and require flexibility.
we are all different each others but we are the same. I would emphasize that the term races should be remove in common language and I support the human. the term "race" has the connotation of competition and neglect other group. Therefore, let us support and value all humans regardless the color of their skin and recognize we are all one race, which it is human.
Thank you
Mitogo T. Opira, Diversity Supervisor
JBS FOODS -Plainwell, Michigan
You know what? This is more common than we think, I work in construction in Canberra and we got lot of these happening in a daily basis, take for example a friend, George unsuccessfully applies for a position with a construction company. When he telephones the company’s personnel manager to ask why he did not get the position, George is told: ‘We’ve employed people from your country before. You lot simply don’t share our work ethic’.
Li-Huei unsuccessfully applies for a job as a receptionist with a large hotel. When she calls the human resources manager to ask why she did not get the job, she is told that the manager doesn’t want to employ a receptionist with an accent. Nobody knows George and Li, since they didn't make any report or share their stories, but yes it is there, happening.
Great article. Ignore the naysayers
Some companies struggle to understand what D&I is or it’s potential value.
Others understand the subject but haven’t yet implemented or updated relevant policies.
Spurred by a growing social consciousness, businesses are slowing making a more concerted effort to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Always know the diversity goals and vision of your organization and its connection to the overall business objectives.
Great article Robin, the workplace should be a great place.
I am glad someone like you understands the employees' needs at work.
Nobody understands employee's sentiments but another employee.
Diversity and inclusion are nightmares for new employees. This article is such a big help, that there exist a community to help.
Not as easy as it sounds though,
George is told: ‘We’ve employed people from your country before. You lot simply don’t share our work ethic’.
Li-Huei unsuccessfully applies for a job as a receptionist with a large hotel. When she calls the human resources manager to ask why she did not get the job, she is told that the manager doesn’t want to employ a receptionist with an accent.
Glad that there are employers that have concerns with their employees. Adjustment is not easy. It takes time.
I think it's super important to try to learn about other cultures and where people come from! We all have a different worldview. If we try to understand and come together, we can do much more good than if we ignored it or only supported one way of thinking.
One of the best tactics, albeit a pretty expensive one, is to set up a trip and travel abroad to a diverse culture. Travel expands the minds and emersing yourself in a new culture and opens you up to so many experiences.
The landscaping business is notorious for not being very diverse in their celebrations or their choice of employees. As a representative of this industry, I am striving to take my company in a different direction. When we go to schedule any landscaping contracting jobs or lawn care jobs in Edinburg, TX I am making it my personal goal to reach out to every individual customer and asking what needs they have and to be sensitive to special holidays they may be celebrating! I know it's just one location and one business but if we all did this, we would make a larger impact!!
Research shows that even just the presence of physical diversity results in better performance and for companies that are data-driven, that extra performance boost can be extremely motivating,” Clark says. “It’s also the fact that companies that lack diversity are being called out publicly, and may even be losing business, not to mention falling behind when it comes to recruiting. Even Google is starting to show signs that their lack of diversity is affecting them.
Engaging people at every level is the hallmark of good leaders in not only business but life. Great post!
Awesome post!
I remember segregation. I remember race riots. All I can say as an old man who got tired of prejudice in this country is that I am so happy that this is now how the culture turned out. I am very proud of this country.
In our company we have often found that diversity is exactly what creates progress. In a sales driven world we have to understand that not all people think the same way we do. In our own mind our ideas are best when what truly matters is what the customer thinks. Having diversity in the work place is what gives us that perspective and allows us to be the best employer and business we can be.
Diversity and inclusion is a company’s mission, strategies, and practices to support a diverse workplace and leverage the effects of diversity to achieve a competitive business advantage.
It is important to strive to treat all individuals with mutual respect. Of course, this can be easier said than done, but through our service visiting customers' homes, we always do our very best to provide high quality care to each person, despite any background differences.
Thank you for sharing. Diversity and Inclusion are so crucial to the success of any business. These tips are very valuable, I especially like #9, everyone should continue to improve, especially in this area.
The last thing a business owner wants to deal with is being accused of not having a diverse enough business. Be inclusive of all people and you'll have a successful business
Diversity is one of those things that I think is moving in the right direction, but especially at the upper levels of management is still something that needs to be mitigated. I think we should all be aware of cultural biases and strive to be more than what our base assumptions tell us to be. Great insightful post.
The last thing a business owner wants to deal with is being accused of not having a diverse enough business. Be inclusive of all people and you'll have a successful business and thanks
I love #9. We need to foster good environments around learning and growing. You can always learn something!
We love all of our employees. We believe that if you can work you can work.
I think number 4 makes a lot of sense and we should definitely respect your co-workers and build better relationships, improving your work experience with them in the long run. Thank you for the great article!
These are great pointers for businesses!!!! Love this article!
Out of the 10 ways, what I really like are the numbers 5, 8, and 10. Thank you for sharing this content and it is in deed very helpful especially if you can really see the diversity in your working environment.
I feel like we're continually finding parameters to divide ourselves by and creating all these group identities vying to be included in some way. When are we going to understand that we're all the same thing? We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, and are all ultimately compost. Why let your identity be defined by some random factor that you had no choice in assigning to your self (skin color, orientation, disability, etc…)?
Number 5 is right on the spot, we need to try to put ourselves in other people shoes
As a budding business owner these are incredibly important topics to consider. It's ironic how even 6 years after the article was first published we still struggle mightily with diversity and inclusion. Thank you!
These are great pointers for businesses!!!! Love this article!
Engaging people at every level is the hallmark of good leaders in not only business but life. Great post!
All 10 points are easily actionable – what a great article
I'm moved by this statement: Often, negative behavior comes from ignorance rather than malice. A willingness to educate can go along way.
Anyway, thank you for stating those 10 remarkable points. That's all what we need.
Education is key. People are underestimating its compound effect.
Realistic optimism, She has everything that a good quality of CEO should have.
Possessing the ability to adapt to diverse backgrounds and skillsets can be a huge asset. When work environments promote collaboration adapting to work will others can be a great tool.
Totally agree that education is one of the most important things in life.
This was my favorite truth – "Often, negative behavior comes from ignorance rather than malice". A positive attitude for progressive growth and learning. I appreciate your article.
Why bother with the notion of inclusiveness and I say notion because the newly appointed Judge will soon tear it down with guidance from #45. Any strides made will soon disappear.
Education is key to life itself for everyone.
ofcourse education is a most powerful tool fo the development of oneself
We employ people from all walks of life. I am glad I took the time to read this as it is a reminder about how to find and keep the best employees
Diverse and inclusive companies drive innovative results. Yet the tech industry still struggles with diversity and inclusion, often failing to attract diverse talent due to inclusivity issues in the workplace. For organizations looking to shape up their diversity and inclusion programs and policies, the change can be challenging — and rewarding.
Excellent Blog! hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. I Thanks for sharing. Great websites!
Great companies aren't afraid of diversity. They embrace the diverse opinions that come with it and how that innovation can help drive positive results in the future.
Thank you for bringing up this topic. I really think that diversity is important in a company. Doesn't matter how big a company is. Get out of the comfort zone and have employees with different background. It's really interesting to hear from other sides.
I have read your article..Great content .. Thanks for posting it.
Love this. My company does do a good job in making it known they're diverse but having an executable plan makes it all the best. To be honest, diversity is super helpful. It brings out different experiences from different people – that's the good part. It teaches people how to interact, work and grow from those who grew up differently.
Love this
Thank you for your recommendation about how employees can support diversity and inclusion. This will be helpful since most of the companies are experiencing a lot of employee turnover or attrition. In this way, it can be minimized. In handyman services Delaware, employees are involved as well as our clients in reaching our goal that is to provide the best handyman service.
Definitely supportive of diversity, and all that it's suppose to do. We aim to hire and work with all qualified individuals among various backgrounds for our auto detailing company. It makes us appreciate of what we can learn from others.
I have been trying to figure out how to do this better within my own tree service business, you bring up some key points. Thank you.
Very good info
Great article! As the owner of a concrete company in Olathe, KS I can absolutely relate to this. Building a positive and sustainable culture as a business actually isn't hard. Treat people as equals, with respect and dignity while compensating them fairly for their skills. I love my team, they are some of the most loyal and hard working humans I have ever been around or had the luxury to work with.
"Commit to continuous improvement. Be willing to learn, accept feedback, and listen to the concerns of those around you. Even the most enlightened individual can find opportunities for growth"
This is so true. We have to accept feedback to grow!
Choosing a positive attitude is one of the most powerful things we can take.
Humbleness and willingness to learn is one way to support diversity.
Es importante tener en cuenta las minoridades sobre todo en el mundo del trabajo!
#9 is right in line with what we strive to do at our company. We always want to learn and grow so that we can be better for our customers and employees. Glad to see other people are doing this too!
Really great ideas!
This is a fantastic blog and can only be supported
Keep up the great work with what you do.
Enjoyed Reading Your Post.
Great article. I especially felt like the "become culturally competent" and "the commitment to continuous improvement" points were astute. It is not difficult to take an interest in other cultures, and can help bridge the gap between what feels "normal" to one person, and unusual to another. As long as people are committed to improving in the arena of diversity inclusion, it can be done.
Thank you for sharing this post. As an employee of Boston Hood Cleaning, this article is a great help.
Great work, keep up the effort.
We state that diversity should be respected and we counter that with inclusiveness but what we are actually becoming is an ultra sensitive divided culture. We need to desensitize, harden our feelings such that every little thing doesn’t bother us or becomes an insult. Then we need to melt together our philosophies and learn to build on our individuality to become an effective team player.
One thing thing that is often overlooked in diversity and inclusion protocols is the layout and design of the workplace. A good workplace strategy will take into account diversity requirements so that a new office design or refurbishment actively encourages diversity and inclusion.
I agree with Dan in the fact that we are becoming a very sensistive divided culture. Especially when it comes down to politics. I find it funny the general population ultimately wants the same thing but our egos are to great to where we would rather choose a side as opposed to coming together and finding a solution.
We are all people with different experiences and cultures, everybody needs to understand that there are going to be differences amongst people. This does not mean that we need to cater to every individual; that leads to issues.
Diversification is needed but it should never triumph the individual skills on the field that is required to get the job. It certainly increases the cultural aspect of the team as more people from different background are able to express their aspect on problems.
Some diversity can be beneficial but diversity for diversities sake can cause more harm than good, i want the best people on my time, not those with the right skin colour. And besides, if its just diversity of skin colour, why not go form diversity of eye colour? Of Hair colour?
We are huge proponents of diversity and inclusion. This is becoming on of the top priorities in this country, which is very encouraging to see. We are a far shot from ideal state, but we are doing our respective parts to move in the right direction.
Diversity matters if you are doing some cultural event. If you are in the workplace, the person who has better skills in a particular issue matters to me the most.
Great job everyone for coming on board with this. It will revolutionize the workplace.
Oh right on thanks!
One way to build awareness of diversity and foster greater inclusivity is to be aware of and acknowledge a variety of upcoming religious and cultural holidays. Let's respect each other. 🙂
Best regards!
One thing thing that is often overlooked in diversity and inclusion protocols is the layout and design of the workplace. A good workplace strategy will take into account diversity requirements so that a new office design or refurbishment actively encourages diversity and inclusion.
I thought that this was a great foundational article about diversity and inclusion. There are many facets to diversity and inclusion and she gave GREAT insight to each one. We can now branch off and include the disabled although within certain "groups" if you are a minority THAT IS A disability or handicap that ostracizes many from participating within the GROUP. I think that she touched on that.
We state that diversity should be respected and we counter that with inclusiveness but what we are actually becoming is an ultra sensitive divided culture. We need to desensitize, harden our feelings such that every little thing doesn’t bother us or becomes an insult. Then we need to melt together our philosophies and learn to build on our individuality to become an effective team player.
Nice article, I think just following the golden rule is the best way to respect others diversity and differences.
I think the word diversity wont exist if everyone knows respect and understanding. Everyone should learn to come to their senses, all love. Thanks for the article!
you also need to facilitate an inclusive work culture.
For diversity practices to be successful we need to build inclusive cultures.
Much more needs to be done to increase diversity in companies. THey should be held accountable if they fail to do so.
Engaging employees at all levels is the most effective way to reach critical mass and communicate the import of diveristy and inclusion. Often employees are eager to join in the process but lack the know-how and confidence to take action. It is important to let employees know that there are many ways to contribute and support D&I efforts and does not necessarily require expertise in the field.
Hi there! Great article! In my opinion, diversity in the workplace is essential to create a thriving business, especially when it comes to employee engagement. Workplace diversity encourages creativity and innovation because every team member, from leadership to frontline employees and mobile workers, brings their own unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to the table.
Thanks again! Wonderful article! Excellent information, congratulations!
By creating accessible digital environments, it helps to support and accommodate the diversity of users, including people with disabilities, different ages, cultures, and languages
Thank you so much to writing this wonderful blog. It’s really worthwhile.
Carry on writing such useful stuff. Home Renovations Contractor
I truly appreciate how the article highlights the importance of educating ourselves about different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, as well as actively seeking out and celebrating diversity in our workplaces.
It is also encouraging to see how the article emphasizes the importance of being an ally to marginalized groups and standing up against discrimination and bias.
I firmly believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a more inclusive and equitable society, and the suggestions provided in this article are a great starting point for individuals to take action. I especially appreciate the emphasis on being respectful, empathetic, and open-minded in our interactions with colleagues and peers, as this is crucial in building a more inclusive and welcoming workplace.
Coggno Workplace Diversity
Thank you so much for writing this amazing blog. very insiteful
a v.v important element or factor for de&i is mother tongue or (language). in other words,multilingual factor
an important factor in de&i is mother tongue or(language) and it should be utmostly considered w/out doubt
Communicating is a successful strategy. Listen and communicate with customers and be professional, persuading, and educated accepting mistakes is not losing your ego is called maturity.
Local citations
This article brilliantly highlights the crucial role employees play in promoting diversity and inclusion. The practical tips provided are actionable and underscore the importance of personal commitment, cultural competence, and continuous learning. It emphasizes that fostering diversity is a collective journey, urging everyone to contribute and celebrate the value each individual brings to the organization. Far & Wide Land Surveying of Fresno
nice post
This is becoming such an important topic for everyone to discuss. Each and every person should be valued, respected, and upheld to the same standard as everyone else. It’s encouraging to see articles like this. Continue the good work.
Thank you for this insightful post! The emphasis on a top-down and bottom-up strategy for diversity and inclusion is spot on. Your practical tips empower employees to actively contribute to D&I initiatives. Highlighting the importance of understanding diversity goals, engaging in efforts, and becoming culturally competent provides a clear roadmap for fostering an inclusive workplace. I especially appreciate the focus on continuous improvement and driving positive change. Great job on presenting actionable steps for supporting D&I efforts!
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