Innovations in Diversity Award

Profiles in Diversity Journal 2024 Innovations in Diversity Award

21st Annual International Innovations in Diversity Awards

Profiles in Diversity Journal® 21st Annual International Innovation in Diversity Awards honor organizations and institutions around the world that are developing innovative solutions for today’s pressing workforce challenges in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and human equity.

The awards showcase diversity success and discovery, and are open across all industry sectors and geographical regions.

We present this award both to recognize innovation and to encourage and support the continued development of effective strategies, along with the creation of programs and practices that will increase diversity, create more inclusive environments, and foster greater cultural understanding. Our goal is to offer organizations new pathways that will lead to a more equitable workplace and a strategic advantage worldwide.

Innovations eligible to participate are those that:

  • Have been implemented or undergone major enhancements within the past five years
  • Demonstrate new and spirited thinking
  • Are structured for measurable impact (whether or not measurement has begun; reporting program goals and projections and direct experience responses to date are encouraged)

Is yours among them?

Deadline Information:

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024

Submit Materials Here:

* Application fee will be returned if your candidate is not selected.