HEADQUARTERS: Atlanta, Georgia
WEBSITE: www.newellrubbermaid.com
BUSINESS: Consumer and commercial products
REVENUES: $6 billion
TITLE: Vice President, Legal Affairs and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
EDUCATION: JD, Yale Law School
WHAT I’M READING: Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963–65, by Taylor Branch
INTERESTS: Theater and the arts
What are you proudest of in your life?
I am proudest of my family and my dedication to their overall success. Being a married working mother of two daughters requires a lot of time and commitment. Early in my career, I may have said that I was proudest of graduating top of my class in college, attending Yale Law School, or clerking for a federal judge who was a renowned civil rights leader.
As I have progressed in my career and served as an executive at various corporations, I understand that success in one’s career is even more appreciated when shared with your family.
Have you ever experienced discrimination/barriers because of your ethnicity/background? How did that affect you and how did you overcome it?
My parents instilled in me a very strong sense of self-pride and purpose. I was raised not to let discrimination or any other external barriers define me or prevent me from pursuing my dreams. When faced with adversity resulting from discrimination, I have seen it as an opportunity for greater achievement and personal growth. Rather than accepting artificial barriers, I found ways to go around or even through barriers to find the right path to still achieve my goals.