HEADQUARTERS: Boca Raton, Florida
WEBSITE: www.officedepot.com
BUSINESS: Retail/office supplies
REVENUES: $11.5 billion
TITLE: Executive Vice President, Human Resources
EDUCATION: BA, John Carroll University; JD, The Ohio State University College of Law
INTERESTS: Working with at-risk youth through athletic programs
What are you proudest of in your life?
I’m proud of being a very good father. I’m extremely blessed to have a healthy family. I try hard every day to teach my two sons how to be good men who are very respectful to people in general, and women in particular. I’m proud to work with young men outside of my immediate family, showing them that they too can succeed in life.
How has the civil rights movement affected you personally?
I was an adolescent during the turbulent ’60s. My parents made sure that my brother and I paid close attention to the teachings of Dr. King. They stressed education as the means to a better life, since it could never be taken away from us. We both became attorneys.
Are there any words of wisdom you would like to pass along to our readers?
The most disrespectful teenagers that I encounter on a daily basis are really just looking for help and guidance. These kids quickly revert to being kids when you peel away the tough exterior. They will listen and learn once they see that you really do care about them.