Julie Kampf
President & CEO, JBK Associates, Inc.
Headquarters: Englewood, New Jersey
Website: www.jbkassociates.net
Primary Business: Executive search and talent solutions
Employees: 15
Bringing Diversity to Business DNA
Running an executive talent solutions firm has given me hundreds of opportunities to see the value of diversity and inclusion, and my role as a diversity champion has become one of the most meaningful parts of my work. Over the course of my career, I’ve progressed from working to advance the cause with my employers to advancing it with my own firm and clients to an even broader and more ambitious goal. Five years ago, my firm launched a “DNA Campaign” to help make “Diversity iN Action” an essential part of corporate social responsibility nationwide.
Today, I work hard to keep diversity at the forefront at JBK Associates. Over the last twelve months, that has meant making accessibility a requirement for any new office space we consider, making every employee responsible for learning about the latest trends shaping diversity and inclusion in the workforce, and integrating diversity and inclusion into our twice-yearly staff retreats. It also means maintaining diversity as the first of the three pillars of our own corporate social responsibility program; maintaining a team that is multiracial, multigenerational, and gender-balanced, with key executives from different faiths and backgrounds; and maintaining flexible work schedules, part-time, and telecommuting opportunities for employees who need them.
JBK’s culture of diversity inspires the team to help clients build a better workforce, and one of my goals is to make sure that every client fulfills its vision for diversity and inclusion. Today, we work with organizations that are diversity leaders, ensuring that 90 percent of candidate slates include individuals of diverse background and/or experience and that we have diverse candidates in 70 percent of our executive placements. Because hiring is just the start of a true commitment to diversity, we also continue to expand and deepen our services.
I believe that our nation’s employers won’t become fully diverse and inclusive until more of us insist on it, and that’s why I’m working harder than ever to spread the message about diversity and inclusion wherever I can—at meetings and conferences, in articles and interviews, in speeches and letters, at work, and in the community. When everyone who wants diversity and inclusion demands it, the American workplace will truly see the power of diversity in action.
Education: BS, University of Rhode Island
First Job: Management Training Program, RH Macy’s Inc.
What I’m Reading: The Harvard Business Review all the time
My Philosophy: If you can see what you want to achieve and help your mind to believe it, you can make it happen.
Best Advice: Don’t be afraid to take a risk, (calculated of course), be generous, and be ethical. When exercised together simultaneously, the outcome can bring you great success, great joy and great contentment.
Interests: My family, golf, decorating