Company: Aerotek
Innovation: Regenerating Toward a Diverse and Inclusive Culture and Organization
Award Recognition: Honorable Mention
Aerotek’s WWM strategy, espoused to further D&I, is representative of their innovative culture and personal and professional passions. The resulting framework has incorporated the creation of a D&I Executive Board, regional boards, and regional task forces.
On the national level, Aerotek crafted a national D&I plan to drive progress in workforce diversity, workplace flexibility, inclusivity, marketplace engagement, and leadership accountability. From the regional level, each operation utilized consultant Trevor Wilson’s consultation and engagement survey results to generate regional plans targeting local concerns, such as increased bilingualism in Quebec.
Regional WWM task forces formed to drive the regional plans forward, and its team members meet regularly to communicate their successes and obstacles to their local board member. D&I board members connect monthly and meet biannually to evaluate progress on the regional and national plans. To further solidify their commitment, each employee is asked to complete a personal D&I plan, and leaders a leadership D&I plan, to anchor personal accountability. Employees are committed and held accountable to their plans as they care about potential outcomes, both personally and professionally.
Various task forces build alliances within their served communities to expand their presence within the marketplace. They leverage strategic partnerships with suppliers, institutions, and special interest organizations and agencies. They partner with the Women’s Executive Network, for which more than half of our total female workforce has participated in an event. Their Aboriginal Recruitment Program works to expand their relationship with Aboriginal peoples and provide career opportunities.