This week, Seth Rogan spoke in front of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services in support of Alzheimer’s research funding.
Rogan and his wife recently started Hilarity for Charity, an Alzheimer’s awareness fund geared towards a younger generation. As a part of the National Alzheimer’s Association, Hilarity for Charity directs money towards families struggling with care and increases nationwide support.
Why should you care?
The impact of Alzheimer’s disease on the workplace is staggering, both in terms of missing time from the office and the cost to business. According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2011 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures study, 67 percent of employees had to arrive to work late, leave early or take time off because of Alzheimer caregiving demands. In addition:
• 14 percent had to take a leave of absence.
• 13 percent had to reduce their hours or take a less-
demanding job.
• 10 percent had to quit.
The financial cost of Alzheimer’s disease to business is over $61 billion per year. Of that total, $24.6 billion is directly related to health care, while $36.5 billion is lost to businesses due to missed productivity related to employees providing care. You can take part in reducing these costs and fighting Alzheimer’s disease by discussing eldercare options and planning for the future.
See how Rogan’s comedic approach to a very serious issue helped Congress consider funding for future research.