A discussion with Annette M. Moore, Chief Information Officer and Director of Information Resources Directorate for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Johnson Space Center

Annette M. Moore
PDJ: What do you consider your greatest strength, and how do you think it benefits your business?
Sincerity is my greatest strength. I am a very transparent person—what you see is what you get! I believe that makes me a stronger leader, because I can clearly articulate my vision and people know where I am going. That makes me a stronger team player, because people know they can trust me and always know where I am coming from. And that makes me a stronger partner, because when people trust you, they are willing to be vulnerable and give you the opportunity to do business with them.
PDJ: Who inspires you? What did they motivate you to achieve or accomplish?
Although my mother passed during my freshman year in college, she continues to be my biggest inspiration! She taught me to learn all I can from every experience I have and every individual I encounter.
PDJ: How do you motivate others?
I motivate others by sharing my vision and then bringing them along by reflecting back to them how their unique and individual gifts and talents are absolutely essential and specifically needed in making the vision possible.
PDJ: What’s the most important lesson you have learned in the course of your career?
That I am resilient. I will not allow anyone to steal my identity or make me doubt myself. This lesson came at a very high cost. But because I trusted God through the process, I am now on the other side of what could have been a totally devastating and career-ending experience.
PDJ: How do you maintain your balance?
I am constantly in a state of prayer, always seeking to make the decisions, speak the words, make the choices, and do the things that will allow me to be able to look at myself in the mirror at night, and be okay with how I’ve represented myself and all the things my parents and grandparents taught me coming up.
Profiles in Diversity Journal is proud to name Annette M. Moore a Woman Worth Watching for 2015
HEADQUARTERS: Washington, D.C.
EDUCATION: BSEE, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas
WHAT I’M READING: Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy
BEST ADVICE: Take advantage of every experience as an opportunity to learn and to develop. Listen and pay attention to everything!