Gorav Jindal
Partner, Dechert LLP
What You’d Be Surprised to Know about Me
I am hardest on myself about my performance as a father and a husband, even though people tell me that I am a perfectionist at work.
My Greatest Strength
I believe I am a good judge of talent, which is important for being able to assign the right people to the right job at the right time. I enjoy working with attorneys across experience levels, and I have found that taking time to help them succeed not only benefits them, but it can be a selfish exercise as well.
The Model Minority Myth
I have wondered whether statistics cited to support the “model minority” are accurate. For example, I wonder whether these statistics have been adjusted for cost of living (urban concentration) or number of working family members. Of course, I am happy reading about the successes of other members of my minority (Indian American), but I am most proud of our culture and values, rather than any generalized notions of status or achievement.
Our Most Critical Issue
Regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, or religion, Asian Americans are often lumped together as a group. I hope to see a day when people can respect and embrace our differences, and see them as assets to our society. We have come a long way in the past 20 to 30 years, particularly as modes of communication have shrunk the world, but we can do better.
Lessons I’ve Learned
It’s important to be true to yourself. It takes courage, to be sure, but your unique thoughts and perspectives have value. Do what you think is right; people may disagree with you, but they’ll respect you for sharing your voice.
My Career Advice
In today’s world of constant communications, the lines between work and life are often blurred. So more than ever, it’s important to enjoy what you do. It will sustain you for the long haul. I’ve found that passion is hard to fake, but enthusiasm is contagious.