Recruitment and retention strategies must consistently be developed and improved upon for an employer to remain competitive in Manitoba’s labour market. Adding to the challenge of recruitment and retention is that of ensuring that the workforce is as inclusive and diverse as possible. To that end, the Manitoba government has continually implemented and updated policies and programming that align with our vision of a civil service reflective of the population we serve.
One of the initiatives implemented by the Manitoba government is the Manitoba Diversity Internship Program introduced in 2013/14. This one-year internship is for high-potential external candidates who self-declare as persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, or members of a visible minority.
To address the need for overall renewal and succession planning, the Manitoba Diversity Internship Program requires that departments submit proposals for positions in which they anticipate future vacancies. For example, this may be in response to expected retirements or for positions that are typically more difficult to fill, such as in rural locations or certain technical areas of expertise.
The interns are recruited for one-year terms, with a commitment to appoint successful participants to a government position at the conclusion of the program.
Each internship placement focuses on occupation-specific experience, and offers the intern an opportunity for rotational assignments within the department or similar occupational groups across government.
As part of the program, interns are eligible for training and courses specific to their individual learning plans. Participation in the program includes a strong focus on mentorship, an introduction to various employee networks, and participation in many of the Manitoba government’s diversity-related learning events, conferences, and workshops.
The Manitoba Diversity Internship Program’s training curriculum also includes participation in the Manitoba government’s “Diversity at Work” workshop. The aim is for these interns to become equipped to be informal ambassadors, promoting diversity and inclusion in each of their respective workplaces.
Led by its senior leadership group, the Manitoba government continues to make significant strides in improving its already award-winning diversity and inclusion programming. (This includes being named as one of Canada’s Top Diversity Employers in 2012, 2013, and 2014.) Each department has its own diversity and employment equity plan in place. These leader-driven strategies help shape the organizational culture, according to the unique realities and context of each department, into one positively linked to both retention and engagement rates within the civil service.
The Manitoba government is committed to a workforce that is both inclusive and representative of the population it serves. We take pride in having made significant strides in living up to this commitment. We continue to demonstrate leadership to our province in building diverse and inclusive workplaces.