One of the most rewarding aspects of my job here at Diversity Journal is to work with people, like these, who are committed to the work of “making our world a better place for all to live–with ALL our differences.”
For the 50th Anniversary of the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, the Dignity & Respect Campaign created a video we’d like to share. The people giving voice to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s stirring words in this video are Diversity Officers, practitioners and consultants from organizations across the nation–people whose work promotes equity, fairness and access in our workplaces and communities.
People who continue to march, in their own way, every single day.
Personally, I was thrilled to see these faces. These are folks we work with every day at Diversity Journal. A lot of their work is done “behind the scenes” but it makes a tremendous difference in our workplace and our world. I am in awe of their commitment and dedication and feel extremely lucky to be able to call so many of them ‘friend.’
Many thanks to the Dignity & Respect Campaign and to this collaboration of Diversity & Inclusion professionals for reminding us why it is important for each of us to continue to march.