Delivering Excellence through an Inclusive Environment
The Hospital Corporation of American (HCA) is committed to achieving a positive and fair working environment where diversity is led at all levels. The company created its Inclusive Culture Series this year to support the delivery of high-quality patient care, and ensuring an inclusive and healthy work environment for about 204,000 employees.
As is one of the nation’s leading providers of healthcare services, the Nashville-based HCA is comprised of 168 hospitals and 113 freestanding surgery centers, located in 20 U.S. states and the United Kingdom.
Its Inclusive Culture Series is a newer component of its extensive D&I Strategy and is primarily a compilation of condensed, easily accessible “playbooks” intended to support cultural inclusion within the HCA health care system. Each playbook offers practical, step-by-step suggestions for dealing with workplace and patient-care situations, including topics such as employee gender transition, generational differences, unconscious bias, and managing patient biases.
“They are simply designed to help us address ‘What should I do if…’ questions that come up on a regular basis,” says Sherri Neal, HCA’s Vice President of Cultural Development and Inclusion.
Culturally Competent Care
The playbook content is based on HCA’s award-winning, 90-page, Culturally Competent Care (C3) Guide, that offers direction from HCA policies, mission and values, for dealing with specific situations. The playbooks are not prescriptive; they are intended to lead users to think through actions that might help address sensitive situations.
The Inclusive Culture Series playbooks are fully accessible to all employees, with a digital version readily accessible by employees through HCA’s intranet. Hard copies can also be customized and printed out by the company’s internal marketing repository portal, HCA MediaWorks.
“We strive to create and maintain a setting in which we celebrate differences and consider them the strengths of our organization. In order to meet that responsibility, we set high standards and hold ourselves accountable,” Neil said.
The Inclusive Culture Series is just one of many innovative ways that HCA is making a long-term, positive impact on patient experiences, employee work environments, and the communities it serves.
Delivering Culturally Sensitive Care while Creating and Inclusive Workplace
HCA is strengthening its tradition of respect and care for all people through a commitment to delivering culturally appropriate and sensitive healthcare, and creating an inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with fairness, dignity and respect. The Inclusive Series was created to support HCA’s facilities on the delivery of high-quality care to patients while creating an inclusive and healthy environment for its employees.
The company continually strives to create and maintain a setting where it celebrates differences, which HCA views as strengths of the organization.