CEO: Chuck Robbins
Headquarters: San Jose, California
Making Fair Pay a Reality
With fairness and equity forging the foundation at Cisco, the company has taken its commitment to pay parity to the next level. Cisco has built an innovative new framework that helps it regularly test a complex global compensation system, identify and fix gaps, and minimize them over time.
While some companies focus on gender only, Cisco’s holistic analytics process includes everyone, both genders, plus it includes race and ethnicity. The company has completed a review of its employees’ pay across the United States and found a healthy system with only minor gaps for approximately two percent of U.S. employees.
The minor gaps have been closed with pay adjustments totaling less than 0.1 percent of its U.S. base payroll. It is in the process of rolling the framework out across the rest of its global regions and will be testing regularly for pay parity. Its compensation strategies focus on pay for performance, market competitiveness, fairness and equity.
Pay parity helps bring to life a trusting environment that drives quality teams, allows for retention of the best talent, and positions Cisco as a top employer. As a founding signer of the White House Equal Pay Pledge, Cisco stands proud to be taking a national leadership role in sharing best practices and advancing pay parity for all workers.
The company has joined forces with at least two dozen companies across multiple industries to form the Employers for Pay Equity Consortium to help make the promise of fair pay a reality for all employees.