“Dads and Daughters” was launched on June 12, 2017 during the Forbes Women’s Summit in New York City. It shines a light on the unconscious bias still faced by women during the interview process through the lens of father/daughter relationships. “Dads and Daughters” was launched at a topical time of year (e.g. during graduations and Father’s Day) with young women entering the workforce. When the tips in the spot are read by fathers to their daughters, audiences see the dads and daughters come face-to-face with the challenges women face in the workplace. HP is one of the top tech companies with women and underrepresented minorities in executive positions; HP was also an early leader in Free the Bid, a non-profit that works to get more women in the director’s chair (now 450+ women and growing).
The HP Reinvent Mindsets Series: Let’s Get In Touch (Part 1)