Stephen B. Reid II
Chief Growth Officer
Education: Master of Business Administration, Cambridge College; Bachelor of Arts, Seton Hall University
Company Name: Charter School Business Management & FOREsight Financial Services for Good
Industry: Financial Services
Company CEO: Raj Thakkar
Company Headquarters Location: New York, New York
Number of Employees: 50
Words you live by: Everything happens in life for a reason. Although we might not be able to see how in the moment, every experience (good and bad) brings about a greater purpose.
Who is your personal hero? My parents, Stephen & Barbara Reid; they have made me the person I am today
What book are you reading? With 3 small children, remote learning, and COVID, I have been unable to pick up a book in awhile, but I have been listening to Hardcore History by Dan Carlin
What was your first job: Paper boy
Favorite charity: Pine Street Inn
Interests: Football, music, and bourbon
Family: Jennifer Reid (wife); Sadie, Simone & Harper (daughters); Stephen & Barbara Reid (parents); and Jennifer Dellasanta (sister)
Why I Am Still Very Optimistic about the Future
Mentors have played a key role in my success as a leader, as they have shown me how to look at challenges and find opportunities. I am extremely fortunate to have met a number of influential people throughout my life who I consider mentors. From my parents, who instilled in me my work ethic and perspective on adversity, showing me that even in the hardest of times, there is always something positive to gain, to my leadership team, who all have unique opinions but demonstrate the true meaning of collaboration, the common thread has been candor and vulnerability. My mentors helped me become an effective leader by teaching me to listen to diverse views and lead with empathy.
This perspective has been helpful in adjusting to the new normal we have encountered with the 2020 pandemic, along with the social unrest that we have seen throughout the country. As an organization, we dealt with the challenges of becoming an entirely remote workforce overnight, coupled with the emotional burden of protests, racial unrest, and COVID-19’s effects. As leaders, we figured out how to lead successfully through this unprecedented time by listening to the concerns of our team members and clients, as well as sharing our own concerns and allowing ourselves to vulnerable.
During the past year, the experiences I have had and the challenges we have faced as an organization have strengthened my belief that everything happens for a reason. Even through the most challenging times, when it appears that hope is lost, I have always looked at the world in this way and believed that my current experiences are setting me up for something greater. With this resolve, I am very optimistic about the future.
In my role as chief growth officer, I assess how technology can bring about greater efficiencies and be leveraged to support both the organization and our clients. The pandemic has forced the world to change the way it operates and what business looks like. We have leveraged technology in a way that brings our team and clients together and allows for more collaborative experiences. Change can be uncomfortable and bring about doubt, but through determination and viewing each challenge as a potential opportunity, 2020 may ultimately be looked upon as a pivotal point where business and the work experience were changed for the better.