Wendy C. Shen
President & CEO, FLOMO/Nygala Corporation
Education: BBA from University of Miami and MBA in Marketing from Pace University
What I’m Reading: Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy, Hiring 3.0 by Barry Shamis
My Philosophy: Be honest, loyal, caring, and have good ethics.
Interests: Traveling, watching movies, coaching & mentoring people, and learning new things.
Company Headquarters: Teterboro, New Jersey
Website: www.flomousa.com
Primary Business: Manufacturing and Wholesale Supplies
What motivated you to choose your field/career path?
The passion to start my own business began formulating ever since I was a little kid. I would always observe and admire my father’s leadership and management ethics while he ran his manufacturing business in Taiwan. The lessons he taught me in business, coupled with the enjoyment I got out of coaching people and being creative,
gave me the experience and power to making my own business dream a reality.
“I have learned from my family and heritage to be humble, loyal, easy going, caring, honest and to have good ethics and give great value to family. I have been able to extend these values towards the way I treat customers, vendors, employees, children, and other people I interact with doing business.”
How has your heritage been beneficial or helpful in your career/and or business relationships?
Being Asian/Pacific-American has helped me very much in the import/wholesale business because all of my company’s products are sourced from Asia. My heritage helps me communicate with factory owners when it comes to negotiating, keeping high quality standards, and even getting them involved with being creative in the manufacturing process of our products.
What advice would you give the next generation of Asian/Pacific-American business leaders?
I would like young Asian/Pacific-American people to know they should be proud of themselves. We speak multi-languages and ultilize our knowledge, know-how, and talent to bring in products and services from Asia to the USA and back to Asia. Also, Young Asian/Pacific-American people should not forget their own Asian languages because they will be very helpful to them some day in their business.