Category: Latino Leaders Award
The 4th Annual Latino Leadership AwardsPDJ Salutes our Fourth Class of Latino LeadershipAward Winners For 26 years, Profiles in Diversity Journal® has been recognizing remarkable individuals who have forged new paths, embraced challenges, mentored others, championed diversity and inclusion in both workplaces and communities, and excelled in their respective fields. Now, PDJ proudly presents its… Read the full article
The 3rd Annual Latino Leadership AwardsPDJ Salutes our Third Class of Latino LeadershipAward Winners For 25 years Profiles in Diversity Journal has honored outstanding individuals who have blazed new trails, welcomed challenges, mentored others, advanced diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the community, and excelled in their chosen fields. Now, PDJ is honoring Latino… Read the full article
The 2nd Annual Latino Leaders Worth Watching™ AwardsPDJ Salutes our Second Class of Latino LeadersWorth Watching™ Award Winners For more than two decades Profiles in Diversity Journal has honored outstanding individuals who have blazed new trails, welcomed challenges, mentored others, advanced diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the community, and excelled in their chosen… Read the full article
The 1st Annual Latino Leaders Worth Watching™ Awards PDJ Salutes it Inaugural Class of Latino Leaders Worth Watching™ Award Winners For more than two decades Profiles in Diversity Journal has honored outstanding individuals who have blazed new trails, welcomed challenges, mentored others, advanced diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the community, and excelled in… Read the full article