Eva Blum
Direcotor of Community Affairs and President PNC Foundation Group
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
2011 Corporate Philanthropy
The PNC financial Services Group Inc., the nation’s sixth-largest bank, recognizes that investing in a child’s early years is essential for his or her long-term success. Last summer PNC employees came together to build a playground in the homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pa. The PNC Community Development group undertook the project, supported by volunteers from Grow Up Great, PNC’s 10-year, $100 million bilingual program to prepare children for success in school and life. It was the third of six planned KaBOOM! playgrounds funded by the PNC Foundation.
The PNC Community Development Banking group had already established a relationship with Rosedale block cluster, the host neighborhood organization, to bring financial education, economic revitalization and other services to residents of all ages. But it was determined that more could be done for children in the community. The investment made sense because studies have shown that children who are physically active tend to advance socially, emotionally, physiologically and academically.
Approximately 180 PNC employees volunteered to construct the equipment, spread hills of mulch and install fencing. Children in the homewood community watched as the fun, safe place to interact with each other and their families came together. The new play area included Imagination Playground in a box – a breakthrough play-space concept designed to encourage child-directed, unstructured free play. Through natural elements like sand and water, Imagination Playground in a box allows children to constantly change their environment and design their own course of play.
By tying together community development services and a new playground, Pnc has helped provide children and families in an underserved area with prospects for a brighter future. Since then, playgrounds were completed in West Palm Beach, Fla., and Cleveland, Ohio. An additional playground funded by PNC is planned for Indianapolis, Ind., this summer.
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Website: www.PNC.com
Primary Business: Financial Services
Employees: +50,000