Amanda H. Goodson
Title: Information Technology Enterprise Process Integration Director
Education: BS Tuskegee University; MS, Florida Institute of Technology; D. Min, United Theological Seminary
What I’m Reading: Commanding Your Morning, by Cindy Trimm
My Philosophy: We are all destined for greatness, set your sights high!
Interests: Reading, Inspiring others to action, Inspirational speaking
What is your most rewarding career accomplishment?
My most rewarding career accomplishment was to participate with an elite team of people serving space flight on both human and non-human rated vehicles/systems. Together, we helped the country advance research in technology, science and medical fields, among others.
What was the defining moment in your life/career in which you understood that you were a leader?
The defining moment in my life/career in which I understood that I was a leader what when I had children. They were totally dependent on me for everything. They needed me to show and encourage them to be the best they could be and do the best they could do in their lives.
What person (dead or alive) would you most like to have lunch with and what would you like to discuss with them?
The person I would like to have lunch with is Michele Obama. I would like to discuss the opportunities and challenges of being a woman leader. I would also like to thank her personally for encouraging many people in Tucson during our time of great need during the January 2011 shooting.
Company: Raytheon
Headquarters: Waltham, MA
Business: Aerospace and defense
Annual Revenues: $25b
Number of Employees: 72k