Diversity in Advertising? Global Survey Spurs Hope

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Marketing experts from five countries on four continents were surveyed about diversity in advertising. Their answers show that they know what is expected from them. However, mindsets and actions vary. Among marketing experts, there seems to be a surprising level of agreement across the globe when it comes… Read the full article

Irish Retail Battle for Autism Friendliness

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Shortly after SuperValu launched its Autism-Friendly Shopping project—following an 18-month development and piloting journey—their competitor Lidl followed with Autism Aware Quiet Evenings. Hefty backlash over an incident showed Lidl the size of the learning curve companies need to follow in order to tap into diverse market segments. Basic… Read the full article

Advancing D&I Differently

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Although D&I practices have evolved for more than two decades, the political, societal, and economic environments have recently changed in a way that requires drastic paradigm shifts. Empirical findings and practical learning presented in this section and elsewhere show areas where new approaches can contribute effectively in this… Read the full article

Why Isn’t Tech More Inclusive?

By Teresa Fausey Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them. – Steve Jobs So, why is it that in tech, and perhaps to a lesser extent in other fields, that “faith”… Read the full article

Bringing the Curtain Down on Affinity Groups

By Stephen Young & Barbara Hockfield, PDJ columnists for 2019 [Note: This article highlights Phase 1 of a three-phased reengineering process for the creation and implementation of Cultural Equity Teams.] Cultural Equity Teams Wait in the Wings Whatever you call them—BRGs, ERGs, or affinity groups—these employee organizations have created safe havens and solace for many… Read the full article

Equity or Bust

By Melissa B. Donaldson As a diversity and inclusion strategist for more than a decade, I’ve noticed a number of subtle and not-so-subtle changes in the profession over the years—some disconcerting, some encouraging, and some, frankly, confusing. One change that encompasses all three of these reactions, in one way or another, is the insertion of… Read the full article

Do White Men Have a Role to Play in D&I?

By Lor N. Lee, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Mayo Clinic I don’t know Lor. What do I have to offer to the work of diversity and inclusion?” “I’m just going to not mentor any women because I don’t want to be accused of sexual harassment when behind closed doors.” These are only two… Read the full article

Isn’t that Just Good Management?

By Janet Crenshaw Smith and Gary A. Smith Sr., PDJ columnists for 2019 It’s funny how often that question is asked when we are implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and programs for our clients. In fact, the question has become somewhat predictable. We’ll start here by first answering the question, and then we’ll explain… Read the full article

We Have Come a Long Way…

By Teresa Fausey BIG PICTURE POLITICS AND CULTURE The editors of Politico Magazine recently asked several women leaders, “What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today?” Although the respondents focused on different specific issues, the general consensus was that, even in the United States, where women have the ability to pursue educational and career opportunities,… Read the full article

Growing Momentum to Shrink the Gender Pay Gap

By Lorraine Hariton, President & CEO, Catalyst In my recent travels throughout the UK and Canada, and back home in New York, one subject keeps coming up: the pay gap between women and men. Twenty-three years ago, when the United States had its first Equal Pay Day, women were paid 74 percent of what their… Read the full article