Measuring the Success of D&I (the What and the How)

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer How could companies measure the success of their D&I work, and which types of success would have to be defined in the first place? Over the years, different paradigms have emerged and each has its implication on D&I implementation and communication. For some, success in D&I means increasing… Read the full article

Research Says: Without the Right Mindset, Targets Don’t Work

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer The belief in D&I targets is almost as strong as the resistance they often create. Based on new large-scale, international research, experts now confirm that consistent, business-based sense-making will create the acceptance required to make targets a success. What does it take to turn diversity into business benefits?… Read the full article

Public Bias: Which Criminals Are Mentally Ill and Which Are Terrorists?

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer One day after the tragic fatal attack on Mayor of Gdansk (Poland) Paweł Adamowicz, many media outlets spread allegations about the “reported” mental illness of the attacker. What messages do we recall from other attacks? And how is it relevant for corporate D&I? Understanding the motive(s) of a… Read the full article

The Affinity that Working Internationally Does Not Change

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Exposing yourself to differences is known to contribute to reducing biases. Following this thought, researchers tested the role of nationality in interpersonal relationships among expats. They found significant interplay. It serves as an ideal test laboratory: The expat community in the United Arab Emirates. There, researchers applied a… Read the full article

Quantifying Hidden Biases against Women in Management

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Two new studies paint an alarming picture: One shows a strong increase in xenophobia; the other shows that true attitudes towards women in management positions are much more negative than usual surveys indicate. A study from the University of Duesseldorf (Germany) quantifies, for the first time, the “social… Read the full article

The Gaps that Female Managers Do Not Close

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Will more women on boards lead to more equality in an organization? Or do multinational teams promote intercultural relationships? While some numbers support such linkages, deeper research provides a more sophisticated picture. Current representation data published by the European Commission show that gender equality progresses in countries where… Read the full article

Evidence about Online Gender Bias and How to Avoid it at Work

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Empirical analyses of YouTube, Instagram, and online music videos show that the presence of women focuses on stereotypically feminine topics and formats, while overall, they are underrepresented. Companies can avoid a toxic spill-over of online gender bias into the workplace. If you believe that men and women are… Read the full article

How D&I Contributes to Digital Transformation While Earning Hidden Risks

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Although the trend is not new, the profoundness of digital transformation is only about to become clearer. While most areas feel as if they had to follow (or obey) digital standards, D&I should not only be seen as an object, but also as a driver of this change.… Read the full article

Why Heidi Klum Harmed Diversity Just as BlackRock Did

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer It has literally become a fashion to position yourself as pro-diversity, including in contexts that historically were struggling with many, most, or all aspects of D&I. Here is why we must be careful about full-mouthed statements from famous, rich, or powerful people, and how companies can make their… Read the full article

Business-Based Reactions to Anti-Diversity Policies

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer The operator of London’s public transport network, TfL, has banned advertising from eleven countries that breach human (LGBT) rights. The reaction reaches far beyond the individual “Brunei case,” and affects global airlines and tourist boards. It raises the question: How many more countries could be criticized for different… Read the full article