Tag: Featured

We Have Come a Long Way…

By Teresa Fausey BIG PICTURE POLITICS AND CULTURE The editors of Politico Magazine recently asked several women leaders, “What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today?” Although the respondents focused on different specific issues, the general consensus was that, even in the United States, where women have the ability to pursue educational and career opportunities,… Read the full article

Growing Momentum to Shrink the Gender Pay Gap

By Lorraine Hariton, President & CEO, Catalyst In my recent travels throughout the UK and Canada, and back home in New York, one subject keeps coming up: the pay gap between women and men. Twenty-three years ago, when the United States had its first Equal Pay Day, women were paid 74 percent of what their… Read the full article

Inspiration: The Outside Perspective

By Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer Michael Stuber, the European D&I Engineer, becomes a PDJ columnist for 2019 Since we launched Profiles in Diversity Journal more than twenty years ago, D&I has grown from an innovative niche topic to become a widely accepted and broadly tackled issue. At the same time, it has become… Read the full article

Elevating Today’s Workforce to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges: A Case Study

By Donald Fan Summary The Challenge: Technology and automation are redefining the enterprise, the workforce, and how work gets done. How can corporate America prepare for and respond to these unprecedented shifts, and ensure women and people of color are not falling behind? The Approach: The challenge requires corporate America to embrace a growth mindset… Read the full article

Freddie Mac’s Expanded FOCUS ON INCLUSION

  in·clu·sive en·gage·ment: Establishing meaningful connections with people unlike yourself   Freddie Mac is a majority-minority company, and women make up nearly half our workforce. As a company with a strong track record in diversity, we accept the challenge of thoughtfully defining and executing sustainable next practices in inclusion and diversity. On a fall day… Read the full article

Value Protocols Vanquish Unconscious Bias

By Stephen Young Unconscious bias is manifested through a variety of dimensions. The most visible are race, gender, culture and generation, and other factors that influence who gets hired, developed, and promoted within an organization. The goal is to create a culture and environment that enables these diverse groups to perform to their fullest. There… Read the full article

Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Struggle in Corporate America

By Donald Fan As diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) executives and practitioners, we ask ourselves how we can position our companies as employers of choice to attract and retain top talent, and how we can reap the benefits of DEI to enhance innovation and new business opportunities in the digital era. Those two questions reflect… Read the full article

Mental Health in the Workplace: It Matters

By Nadine Vogel Employers around the world continue to struggle with how to appropriately address and accommodate individuals with disabilities in the workplace. But of all disability types, mental health is still one of the most invisible, stigmatized, and misunderstood. I have heard many employers say that they would not hire someone if they knew… Read the full article

You Can’t Fix a D&I Problem by Barking up the Tree of Bad Behavior

by Stephen Young & Barbara Hockfield In visiting many companies, globally, it is striking how frequently employees wrongly categorize bad behavior as a symptom of unconscious bias, exclusion, or micro-inequity. The tendency is to use a broad brush when assessing the motivations behind behaviors that make others feel uncomfortable or demotivated. Let’s be clear, this… Read the full article

Are Female Leaders Confident Communicators?

By Inmaculada Reinoso I still remember my first speech in front of an audience in the winter of 2016. At the time, I was managing the relationships and internal communications of a regional sales team at a well-known American multinational tech company. The company was having a hard time hiring and retaining top talent, so… Read the full article