Minal, a specialist leader with Deloitte Consulting India Private Limited, has been associated with WIN since 2006 when she helped launch the program in the Mumbai office. A member of the WIN professional development committee at Deloitte U.S. India, Minal has also been instrumental in designing and conducting professional development sessions on behalf of WIN, on topics including assertiveness, leadership development, and personal branding.

What motivated you to get involved with WIN?

A: I firmly believe in the “power of mentoring” and being a part of a coaching organization. I passionately believe in winning together—I don’t want my female colleagues to feel alone as they try to balance climbing the career ladder with their family responsibilities. I want to stand by them and share my experiences to help us all grow together.

In what ways has WIN helped you overcome the cultural and societal pressures that often hinder women who are balancing family life and a career?

A: As a full-time working professional, I felt it necessary to revisit my professional priorities at different stages of my life like marriage, pregnancy, and childcare. At each stage, I changed gears in order to get that much-needed balance, and I credit my organization for enabling professionals to integrate their personal and professional commitments. Over the years, I have also gained a lot of clarity and have become very comfortable with myself and what I want to do and achieve. What kept me highly motivated—despite an often stressful work life packed with travel, client meetings, and sales pursuits—was the support that I received from my trusted advisors and mentors who have guided me throughout.

I believe that work-life balance is achieved if we consider the fundamentals that determine it: our priorities for both home and work. The balance comes gradually, as our priorities keep shifting at different stages of life.

How do you see the Deloitte U.S. India’s WIN program evolving?

A: Since the launch of WIN, we have a come a long way. Besides networking events, trainings, and offsite workshops, we have worked to address personal development needs, such as identifying facilities to help women overcome difficulties with transport and child care. In the coming years, we plan to continue to work to increase the number of talented women professionals joining the Deloitte U.S. India offices, support their retention, and encourage their advancement through networking, coaching, and mentoring.