Tag: African-American Heritage
Vice President, Human Resources Who is/was your most influential leadership mentor and why? Don Zrebiec, former Senior Vice President, Human Resources at Xerox. Don taught us the importance of goal setting, resource allocation, flawless execution, and relentless pursuit of excellence while treating others respectfully. Who in your family had the most impact on your success?… Read the full article
Senior Director, Coworker Services (HR) Who is/was your most influential leadership mentor and why? Throughout my career I have had two very influential mentors who were instrumental in my leadership growth. The first would be Ms. Hayes, a high school teacher and coach, and the second Dr. Pierson, a college administrator. Ms. Hayes helped push… Read the full article
Executive Vice President; Director, Citibank Client Services Who in your family had the most impact on your success? My mother has been the most influential person in my life. I grew up in inner-city Philadelphia, in a primarily single parent household—my mother raised my sister and me. As I entered my teenage years, I clearly… Read the full article
Vice President, Internet & PC Software Development Who in your family had the most impact on your success? My father had the most influence on my success. When I was growing up in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, I would work with my father in our family-owned grocery store. He taught me how to… Read the full article
Advisory Director Who in your family had the most impact on your success? Like many leaders in the African-American community, I have to credit my mother for having the most impact shaping me to be the person that I am today. My mother was a high school graduate who cleaned houses for a living. She… Read the full article
Lance Lavergne Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer Headquarters: New York City Web site: www.newyorklife.com Primary Business: The largest mutual life insurance company in the United States Employees: 8,830 (domestic) as of January 1, 2009 Who in your family had the most impact on your success? One of the biggest influences in my life, and… Read the full article
Executive Vice President, Community Affairs & Economic Development What is your definition of leadership? I believe that leaders emerge from many diverse backgrounds, sets of circumstances, and for varied purposes. The commonalities they all possess, however, include the vision to see what needs to happen to reach a goal, and the ability to recognize what… Read the full article
Division Vice President, Facility Solutions, Sodexo Health Care Divison What is your definition of leadership? My definition is centered on creativity. Creating an atmosphere for my team to excel is my ultimate goal. The right environment ensures that my entire team is aligned and focused on achieving sustainable results. Team members must feel comfortable thinking… Read the full article
Vice President, Pharmacy Solutions What is your definition of leadership? Leadership is the ability to create and maintain an environment that enables others and/or processes to achieve their maximum potential in a given effort or common cause. Leadership is tangible, measurable and can be cultivated. Many corporations have patterned their leadership development programs after the… Read the full article
Senior Vice President, Customer Account Management, AmeriChoice Who in your family had the most impact on your success? I would have to say that my mother was the most impactful person in determining my success and who I am as a person. Growing up in rural Missouri on Medicaid and welfare, one of 12 children,… Read the full article