Tag: Leadership
We’ve started a new year and as we said goodbye to 2010, we had an opportunity to review where we stood in terms of our personal goals as well as our organizational metrics.
Recently a senior executive asked me if there was one thing we could do to make inclusion and human equity happen, what would it be? I referred him to the 2005 documentary film about Enron called The Smartest Guys in the Room.
Just give it time. Not yet, but soon. When women get the right education, training, work experience, and aspirations to succeed at the highest levels of business, then we’ll see parity.
The flame of revolution in the Middle East that began in Tunisia and toppled the leader of Egypt has now spread to Bahrain and Libya. There are rumblings that China may be next.
Despite a year of economic uncertainties, Sodexo remained steadfast in its commitment to diversity and inclusion. It is that commitment that drives our ability to identify and develop the best talent, create an inclusive culture where our workforce can thrive, and deliver outstanding services to our clients and customers.
Sparrow Health System’s Board of Directors is made up entirely of people who volunteer their time and expertise to serve the people in the mid-Michigan region. James W. Butler III serves as chair of the Sparrow Board, a post he has held since 2009. Butler, a longtime community advocate, also serves as director of the Urban Revitalization Division of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. He is a highly decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, receiving four Bronze Stars for heroism.
by Josefine van Zanten Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion Royal Dutch Shell, PLC Since the mid-nineties, Shell’s work on Diversity and Inclusion has achieved a great deal. Many of the initiatives designed to develop the careers of women and under-represented groups across the organization have now become embedded in the company’s everyday systems and processes.… Read the full article
by Pamela Arnonld President American Institute for Managing Diversity, Inc. For more than a quarter of a century, the American Institute for Managing Diversity (AIMD) has been involved in leading, guiding, and partnering with companies, academia, and community organizations to advance the field of diversity. Many of the inquiries that come to AIMD are related… Read the full article
by Victoria Jones, DM Diversity Officer Vice President Apollo Group, Inc. The Problem Educating a workforce on principles related to diversity and inclusion when there are limited training resources available. The Solution Diversity and inclusion represents a competitive advantage for apollo group. It reflects the essence of our innovation, creativity, skills, and capabilities because it… Read the full article
by L. Mecole Brown Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer Wal-Mart Stores, U.S. Diversity is built on a tradition of strong leaders—a spirit that guides us today to break new ground, meet challenges head-on, and propel to the next level of excellence. It is a time to celebrate our accomplishments—and a time to develop a… Read the full article