Category: PDJ

Carole Young – Chevron

As 2011 begins to unfold, we can all look back and see that tremendous strides have been made in the field of diversity and inclusion. We all have much to be proud of. But diversity practitioners know that there is still much work to be done. We asked some of today’s leading diversity officers to share their vision of the future. What is working? What still needs to happen? Here is an opportunity to gain valuable insights from some of the brightest in the business as they share their vision of the future.

Fred Keeton – Caesars Entertainment Corp

At Caesar Entertainment Corporation, we have created a formal approach and make a direct, solid-line connection between our stated position that diversity is great for better business outcomes, and great for generating innovation.

Melissa Donaldson – CDW LLC

As 2011 begins to unfold, we can all look back and see that tremendous strides have been made in the field of diversity and inclusion. We all have much to be proud of. But diversity practitioners know that there is still much work to be done. We asked some of today’s leading diversity officers to share their vision of the future. What is working? What still needs to happen? Here is an opportunity to gain valuable insights from some of the brightest in the business as they share their vision of the future.

Kerrie Peraino – American Express

As 2011 begins to unfold, we can all look back and see that tremendous strides have been made in the field of diversity and inclusion. We all have much to be proud of. But diversity practitioners know that there is still much work to be done. We asked some of today’s leading diversity officers to share their vision of the future. What is working? What still needs to happen? Here is an opportunity to gain valuable insights from some of the brightest in the business as they share their vision of the future.

Diversity as Business Strategy

By Michael L. Wheeler Diversity is the most important performance factor of the 21st century. as a global demographic business fact, it matters at every business interface—in the marketplace, the talent pool, across global operations, and within our communities. It matters in how we lead people, work as teams, innovate for product development and ultimately,… Read the full article

Six Warning Signs of a Troubled Diversity Initiative

By Angela Roseboro Managing Partner Fusion Group Throughout my career as a diversity practitioner, I have had the opportunity to support organizations that understood and leveraged diversity, as well as companies that were in the beginning of their diversity journey. Over the years, I have noticed some common patterns that have the potential to impact… Read the full article

Habits of Highly Effective Diversity Training

What do you do with your diversity programs after the workshops and seminars are finished? Many organizations believe that once the training session is held, diversity and inclusion will follow. But Diversity Trainers know that the real business of building diversity programs is in managing them after their inception. Diversity Training needs to become a habit—not just an event.

What Keeps Diversity Professionals Up at Night?

As the old saying goes, “all good things come to an end.” In this, the last installment of the series “What Keeps Diversity Professionals Up at Night,” I focus on the subject of legal risks and reputational damage.