Category: PDJ

Should I Get Paid for Hiring a Person of Color?

As the field of diversity management continues to mature in the organizational environment, it appears to be universally accepted that diversity is more than just race/ethnicity and gender.

How to Attract, Retain and Motivate Today’s Workforce

Business leaders should realize creating a workplace that attracts, retains and engages their workforce is important no matter what the economy is doing. The key point to remember is talented and skilled people are always in demand. The more skill and talent they possess, the more likely they can leave you for another employer.

Can Women Save the Economy? Yes They Can!

The economy is struggling, unemployment rates are soaring, and retail sales are down nationwide. People are feeling the impact in their paychecks and their pocketbooks.

Ten Commandments for Effective Diversity & Inclusion Metrics

In ORC’s experience, one of the most challenging aspects of implementing a successful diversity initiative is finding the right measures. sometimes, in their desire to provide data, organizations lose sight of why they are measuring in the first place.

On the Front Lines of Schools

Anyone hoping for a more diverse workplace tomorrow may want to peek inside America’s classrooms today. Their optimism will likely fade.

The Finish Line

Americans love to compete, to keep score, to celebrate accomplishments, and most of all, to cross the finish line. This year has provided opportunities to celebrate many accomplishments: The first black President; the first Latina supreme Court Justice; the first black female CEO of a Fortune 500 company; and the list goes on.

Why are Diversity Programs So Difficult to Advance?

I think everyone recognizes that diversity in the workforce is essential, so why is it often so difficult to get diversity programs off the ground? Talking about diversity is easy. Most people value diversity for the simple reason that we are all diverse in some way. It’s what makes us who we are as individuals.

Retrospection Shaping Our Vision

It has been nearly 25 years since Dr. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. created the American Institute for Managing Diversity. At the time, few corporations and first-time diversity practitioners could articulate with clarity what requirements would be needed to produce a successful diversity strategy.

Performance Management for Inclusion

One Size does not fit all in performance management if you want to maintain a productive diverse workforce. companies tend to performance-manage to the two tails of employees’ performance bell curves.