Tag: Global
By Alanna Klapp SINCE 1993 WOMEN FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL (WFWI) HAS CHANGED THE LIVES OF MORE THAN 351,000 WOMEN IN WAR-RAVAGED REGIONS “ONE WOMAN AT A TIME.” Their year-long program includes financial support, rights awareness education, and job training to empower participants to move from poverty to self-sufficiency. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the WfWI staff,… Read the full article
By Grace Austin Discrimination against women by laws, policies, and other legislation around the globe is still a major impediment to gender equality, despite all the progress made towards female empowerment throughout the world. These issues, according to the UN, include laws discriminating against or not protecting women from a too-early age of marriage, nationality,… Read the full article
Race, Ethnicity, Skin Color Black The term is used in the South African context and as defined black refers to people with an African, Indian, and Coloured background. Coloured The term Coloured is used in South Africa in a nondiscriminatory way. However, it should be considered that in the course of the Apartheid the racial… Read the full article
By Melissa Lamson, Global Diversity Consultant Since the end of Apartheid in 1994, in which the government used oppressive tactics towards black Africans in order to gain and maintain power in South Africa, it has been astounding that war hasn’t broken out. Perhaps because the majority population supports the African National Congress, or the ANC,… Read the full article
By Karin W. Sarratt, SPHR, Vice President of Talent Management and Chief Diversity Officer, WellPoint, Inc. In July 2012, my family and I returned from an expatriate assignment in Brussels, Belgium. Looking back, this experience proved to be a platform for growth and development for my entire family. Although we had successfully completed a family… Read the full article
How does a company unite 62,000 employees under one corporate culture? For Las Vegas’ MGM Resorts International, the company that set fountains to music in front of Bellagio and brought Cirque du Soleil to Sin City, the decision was easy: a Vegas-style production.
Opening a country’s borders to people from “foreign lands” has been a controversial issue for centuries but as globalization, due largely to technological advances, has made it much easier to be borderless, the issue is front and center.
We all have multiple identities. No one is uni-dimensional. President Barack Obama exemplifies the conundrum of intersection of multiple identities well. His father is from Kenya and his mother was white American, officially making him bi-racial. He lived in Indonesia and Hawaii during his formative years, making him what anthropologists call a “Third Culture kid. However he is most often identified in a uni-dimensional way as “African American”.
While D&I practitioners have been aware that the issues of diversity and inclusion span the globe, until recently the popular sentiment was that the term “diversity” was a US idea that did not play well in other parts of the world.
After two decades as an organization, Operation HOPE has individually served over 1.2 million people in 273 United States cities, as well as locations in South America and Haiti. However, Operation HOPE’s ultimate goal is to no longer be a necessity to society through the full realization of a thriving capitalist economy and the elimination of financial injustice.